A pioneering publisher of open access scholarly publishing in the Northern Amazon of Ecuador, CaMeRA has been supporting academic communities since 2018. Based in Nueva Loja, Ecuador, CaMeRa has the mission to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. Our open access publications are peer-reviewed and supported by academic editors and reviewers of high international prestige. We serve scholars worldwide to ensure that the latest research is freely available.
CaMeRa Board of Directors

Prof. Alex Vinicio Gavilanes Montoya, Ph.D.
General Editor and Chairman of the Board vinicio.gavilanes@camera.com
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo.
Riobamba, Ecuador.
Intereses: Environmental engineering, economics, agronomy, climate change, environmental management.

Prof. Danny Daniel Castillo Vizuete, Ph.D.
(Member of the Board) danny.castillo@camera.com
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo.
Riobamba, Ecuador.
Intereses: Forestry, sustainable projects, tourism, biodiversity.

Prof. Maritza Carolina Sanchez Capa, M.Sc.
(Member of the Board) maritzac.sanchez@camera.com
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo.
Riobamba, Ecuador.
Interest: Industrial engineering, agribusiness, food, agronomy, soil management and conservation.

Prof. Paola Vasconez Duchicela, Mgtr.
Reviewer Engineering, Science & Technology pvasconez@camera.com
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario, La Joya de los Sachas, Ecuador.
Interest: Graphic design, higher education, university and technology management.
At CaMeRa, our goal is to produce and disseminate high quality scientific content, we are currently indexed in (Latindex). We intend in the short term to be indexed in databases and indexing systems such as SCOPUS (SJR) and Web of Science (JCR). Position Green World Journal among the best journals. The work and discipline is the main axis to achieve our goal. We deeply believe that all the work of a team in CaMeRa and Green World Journal contributes with valuable information for the scientific community.
Mission and Vision
We provide access to science and the latest research to readers free of charge. All our content is published in open access and distributed under a Creative Commons License, which means that published articles can be freely shared and content reused, with proper attribution.
In a changing and evolving publishing environment, we are constantly adapting and developing new tools and services. By listening to feedback from authors, editors and readers, we can make changes to better meet the needs of our research community and keep CaMeRa relevant.

Zone Laguna Julio Marín
Av. Jun Montufar R. & Chongon